Sunday, August 16, 2009


Window facing the west,
Wretched a little-
Chipped varnish,rusty hinges...
clinging on,curious seeker...
The sun stays long here,
It's brighter west side,
The noon's hot air,
And the silt raising,with thick slow demeanor...
It's not clear,who's behind the scenes...
Window facing the west,
Wretched a little-
Chipped varnish,rusty hinges...
When the wind is high,
It holds the frame in one hand,
The other hand is waiting for another hand,
To hold and push,to shut and close,
And let no dust fall in...

Window facing the west,
Wretched a little-
Chipped varnish,rusty hinges...
Mixed complex it is,
Let only the best flow in....
Mixed complex it is,
Suit yourself,remember who made it!

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