Friday, May 1, 2009


a chicken in the air,
it cannot fly...
metaphorically and literally,
not even in the dreams and in the sky...
Chicken says-

i fly, i fly...
i live easily,
watching miles,
multiples of miles...

no one to question,
no attention,
it's my intuition,
and learnt lessons...

just calling all,
they will,it is the morning call,
before i die and fall,
let they love me and not kill...

hope never dies in the soul,
frothing scum- cleansing oil,
slag during smelt,blast furnace,
they call it pig,from iron ore...

they call it pig or chicken,
at the end of the day its still iron,
making steel,in the life's hot air balloon...
balloon they fly,for fun...

they burst balloons and kill,
but hope never dies in the soul,
to fly with me,i call them all...
i want them to live life before they fall...


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