Thursday, May 14, 2009

LiTTlE’s menace!

universities to underground,
underground-not found,
blasting bombs from down…

Self proclaimed saviours…
guerillas and tigers…
fighting for underdogs…

struggle for equal rights,
obstinate principles’ obsolete ghosts,
rusted chains tied very tight…

times have changed,
in the end,they hide,
under,underdogs’,human shield…

the people flee,
across the seas,
tigers,lions,don’t let them live…

they walk to be refugees,
the elephant’s shallow pass,
like the buck,the rift they cross...

the tigers,on cyanide,
look like rats in human cages,
yes,there is a value for the bones...

the bones,poisoned dark ones,
let they be the prices,prizes,
for the fairness,like the tusks...

let there be fairness,like the tusks,
let the lions,have their hearts,
bring to life,the promises they made...
because not small the,little's menace...